What to Expect

Visiting somewhere new can be daunting. Here are some answers to our most frequently asked questions to ease concerns. If you dont see your question there please feel free to contact us and ask.

  • What time should I be there? Sunday Morning Service starts at 10:00AM and Friday Night Bible Study starts at 6:30PM. We would love for you to arrive a little earlier if you can so we can get to know you.


  • How long is the service? We don't have a set time for service to end because we believe in giving God room to move. That being said Sunday morning usually ends around 11:30AM and Friday nights around 8:30PM.


  • What should I wear? Clothes; We believe in being yourself so dress how you feel comfortable.


  • What about my kids? Sunday morning we have Childrens Church for ages 4 - 11. There is a wiggles and giggles room for the little ones. We have a family environment so kids are always welcome to stay in the service with you. 


  • Where do I park? Parking is in front and to the side of the building. Overflow parking is also available in grass lot to the left of the church building.